K2 Storytelling Illustration
This illustration is based off the play K2, written by Patrick Meyers. It is about two hikers attempting to climb the second highest peak in the world. We find the two men trapped on a ledge after being caught in an avalanche. With limited supplies and one man with a broken leg, only one man survives.
In the illustration, you can see two sets of foot prints heading up the mountain and only one returning. This eludes to the fact that only one man makes it out alive. The color of foot prints represents each hiker’s character. The orange is a kind man with kids and a wife while other is a womanizer who takes advantage of others. The googles belong to the kind man with the orange footprints. In the reflection of his googles you can see the never-ending mountain range and the ledge where navy foot-printed man just went down, leaving the orange foot-printed man behind.
Storytelling Design, Digital Painting